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Cooper Union Blog Posts

Is there anything that you learned at the college fair that surprised you? What was it and why?

There are a lot of people going crazy over college and I mean A LOT. For some reason, initially, I thought only a few people cared a lot about which college to got to. Apparently, I was very naive, since at the college fair there were a lot of kids going crazy from station to station. The hectic atmosphere added to the headaches and stress. In regards to learning about colleges that I wanted to go to, I did not learn much at all. The colleges that had smaller crowds had people who were acting like salesmen or saleswomen trying to recruit kids to their colleges. However, the Ivy Leagues and other popular colleges that I am considering were extremely crowded and the people there either spoke extremely fast so that the you could get rid of the large crowd surrounding the table or told you the bare bones of what happens at the college not really persuading me to go there (even though people would apply regardless). The on thing that I did enjoy was the fact that they gave out free mini water bottles so I wouldn't have to pay for water when I went to for lunch. Probably the most useful thing that I gained from this experience was the stuff I learned from presentation before the college fair. They explained about how the application works and the difference between early decision and early action. Also, they talked about how classes whether they be AP or honors are weighed the same in the eyes of college admissions processes. Whenever they mention optional things to do, they actually mean that you should do it or at least it is highly recommended to do so. Although this experience wasn't too useful to me, I was able to see that there were many people who benefitted from this. I also found that there were a lot of colleges I never heard of before. However, the same thing happened when I asked them about their schools. They would either just say stats to impress me or go on a lengthy monologue since they had nothing else to do. Now that sounds harsh, but honestly at the time I wasn't in the mood to be listening to a ten minute explanation about a random college. All in all, I didn't really enjoy this experience. I think it would be a lot more useful to look up the school online or ask an alumnus from the school since their response would be a little more in depth since they would have been to the college anyway. Anyway, if you're still reading this I thank you for your focus!

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